Invasive Species Introspection

Invasive Species Introspection

As I walked in the woods this evening, I asked my guides to provide me with any insight that I might find interesting or useful. As I was meandering through the trees, I started perseverating on the concept of invasive species. You see, the other day I saw a spotted lanternfly on my front porch and I freaked out. I mean it. I started crying. I don’t really know what came over me. I then proceeded to research lanternflies for over an hour and a half. I went down the rabbit hole.

If you aren’t familiar, spotted lanternflies are native to China but started appearing in Pennsylvania a few years ago. They are an invasive species that have the ability to lay eggs on almost any surface. They can wreck havoc on all sorts of plants – fruit trees, ornamental trees, veggies, herbs, grapevines etc.

So the topic was fresh in the brain because of my recent insect encounter. As I walked in the woods, I started inspecting tree trunks for eggs. I realized a vast majority of the trees were the tree of heaven aka Chinese Sumac, the lanternfly’s favorite tree. What do you know, IT’S AN INVASIVE SPECIES!

So it got my mind thinking of all sorts of invasive species. I recalled the first time I heard of invasive species – I remember hearing of ( and stepping on) zebra mussels in a fresh-water lake. Be warned, zebra mussels are sharp little creatures- watch your toes people!

Anyways, my mind started going through an inventory of invasive species – plant, animal, aliens, parasites, humans…


Image courtesy of WatchCut YouTube video


Then I realized today is Columbus Day Indigenous Peoples Day and HELLO! The United States has been celebrating Christopher Columbus, one seriously awful member of an invasive species for way too long. 

Truth be told, we’re all invasive species. Humans are probably the most invasive species on this planet. We have invaded the planet, stepped over both physical and metaphorical boundaries – people, places, and things. We are decimating each other and our dear Mama Earth. 

When you think about the concept of an invasive species, you can look at it in so many ways. The media is an invasive species, the internet is an invasive species, technology is an invasive species. 5G is an invasive species. The list goes on and on. WE. ARE. BEING. INVADED.

So what does this mean? What do we do?

Well, hide in a hobbit hole of course! 

Honestly though, please don’t.  Hiding will not solve the problem. The more we run from our fears and aversions, the worse it tends to be.

Instead, it might be helpful to take note of what/who is invading our space and in turn, how we might be invading space (physically, emotionally, energetically) that is not ours. 

In addition, take note of what is invading our internal space. Be mindful of negative thought patterns, and energetic junk that we pick up throughout our days that isn’t even our own.

I am not qualified or knowledgable enough to get into talk of best practice for invasive species eradication( I mean this in the literal sense – I.E. lanterflies) although I am always against the use of toxic chemicals. We may eradicate the “harmful” species through this process, but also “good” species as well. 

In regards to internal invasive species and how we act as an invasive species on this planet, I may have some insight.  We can cultivate a greater openness to the sacredness of this world and of nature. We can gain awareness of our own presence on this planet and how we are going about our days.


Questions to ask daily:

How are we treating fellow humans? How are we treating animals? How are we treating plants? How are we treating our water? How are we treating our skies? 

I plan on meditating on where I am connecting and where I am invading. What/who is invading my personal space both internally and externally? What is invading my thought processes – are these thoughts and feelings positive? Are they helping or hindering?

Most importantly, how can I cultivate balance both internally and externally in this life experience?

So there you have it. Invasive species talk invaded my brain, and gave me something pretty powerful to ponder. 

In the words of Barbara Ward, “We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on this earth as its other creatures do.”

Be well, my fellow human invasive species. Be a good guest, walk lightly on this earth, and love fully. 

( and if you find a spotted lanterfly in an area outside of where it has been previously found, report it to the powers that be)


BONUS POINTS if you can count how many times I said invasive species. Clue: A ton!

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