Time and a salt packet
Meister Eckhart, a German theologist, philosopher, and mystic once wrote, “Time is what keeps the light from reaching us. There is no greater obstacle to God than time.” YES. I feel this!
Time has always been a huge struggle for me. I was once asked of my greatest fears and I realized a huge fear is the concept of time. I don’t mean that I’m afraid of aging or my own death (I think I’ll be a pretty kick-ass older adult and death is a part of life – when it’s my time, it’s my time). I’m more afraid of moments passing so quickly, of not striking while the iron is hot, and of organizing my day and allotting enough time for tasks. I always wanted Hermione’s time- turner device from Harry Potter so I could be in two places at once.
For example, say I had an event in a few hours: I’d become so preoccupied with making sure I was on time, or worrying that I didn’t have enough time to do other tasks that the time prior to the event would be a complete waste. My fear of time froze my ability to function.
Driving was especially arduous – I used to look at the clock every few seconds worrying about my impending lateness. I then would proceed to swerve in and out of traffic to avoid said lateness.
One day I found a salt packet in my car and decided to place it over the clock. My stress alleviated. Why a salt packet? Who knows? It was there. But! Salt is cleansing so maybe that was the true purpose.
So if you’ve been in my car and wondered why there is a salt packet over my clock- it’s to forget about the time and just be present in my experience.
I realized that it doesn’t really matter if I’m late in the big scheme of things. Yes, it’s important to be mindful of others and be respectful of their time, but stressing yourself out about being late is unnecessary. You arrive when you’re meant to arrive – no sooner, no later.
A friend once told me that she put a sign over her clock that says “NOW”. Love it!
Now is ALWAYS the time. Nothing else really matters. When I’m motivated to clean my car, maybe I’ll do that. If I have enough time, that is. Ha!
Jokes aside, time is certainly an interesting construct – it keeps our reality in check. It is a way to sense change, to help us define this earth experience in a linear way. Imagine navigating this life without the construct of time?! Mind- blown.
My theme lately has been how can I best make friends with time while living in this reality? Coffee and lists have been beneficial in our friendship. I’ve also been working on not feeling anger or guilt if things don’t go as planned or if things weren’t accomplished. Who cares! Every worry puts you in the past or the future and it neglects the most magical time of all – *THIS VERY MOMENT*. Cue that song “This Magic Moment” by the Drifters!
Lessen your worries friends, you’ll get where you need to get and do what you need to do when the time is right. If you’re still stressing, put that salt packet over your clock and flow, yo.